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The Ultimate Guide to the Transportation CBT Course (2024)

Taught by Dr. Mansour, PhD, PE

February 8, 2024

In the realm of professional engineering, the path to licensure is a journey of dedication and rigorous preparation. For those navigating the complexities of the Transportation PE Exam, Professional Engineering Services and Education, Inc. (PESE) offers a beacon of guidance through their comprehensive Transportation CBT Course. Designed meticulously by Dr. Shahin Mansour, PhD, PE to align with the NCEES specifications and the latest exam format for April 2024, this course stands as a cornerstone for aspiring professional engineers.

What Sets This Course Apart?

The Transportation CBT Course is not just another preparatory class; it is an 85-hour marathon of live and on-demand instruction that delves deep into the essence of transportation engineering. With a reservoir of 400 practice problems, mini-exams, and five essential prep books, the course ensures a holistic understanding and hands-on practice with the material. The inclusion of a mock exam, coupled with the option for free course repetition, ensures that candidates are not just exam-ready but are poised for success.

Beyond the Transportation Books

Pass PE understands that questions don't end when the lecture does. Hence, we extend instructor support via email and phone, ensuring that every query is a step towards clarity. This level of personalized assistance is what transforms a daunting journey into a guided exploration of knowledge.

Embarking on the Journey

For engineering professionals poised to elevate their career with a PE license, this course represents more than preparation; it symbolizes a commitment to excellence. By bridging the gap between ambition and achievement, the Transportation CBT Course by PESE is a testament to the power of quality education and the spirit of perseverance.

Dive deeper into this transformative journey and embark on your road to success with Dr. Mansour's Transportation CBT Course.

For more details and to enroll, visit this page and register. Take the first step towards your professional engineering license and Pass The Exam!! Good Luck!